Friday, April 10, 2009

Kevad 2009 I / Spring 2009 I

Alustan oma selle kevade ehtekollektsiooni tutvustamisega. Sisse olen toonud palju erksaid värve ning neid omavahel kombineerinud. Samuti olen toonid taustaks ka tagasihoidlikke baastoone.

I will introduce you my spring jewelry collection. I have used many bright colors and I've combined them. I also used some modest base tones.

Esimene osa koosned viiest kaelakeest: ripatsid helmetrossil. Ripatsis kasutasin heringbone tehnikat, kus keskele panin suurema kaashelme ning ümbritsesin selle värviliste suuremate seemne- ja väiksemate klaashelmestega. Ripatsid ripuvad helmetrossil, mis on kaunistatud tagasihoidlikku tooni helmestega: valge, hall, beež, helekollane.

The first part consists of five necklaces: pendandt on bead wire. I pendants are in herringbone wawe. In the middle there is a bigger glass bead, which is surrounded by colorful bigger seedbeads and smaller glass beads. The pendants are hanging on a bead wire, that is embellished with modest toned beads: white, gray, beige, pale yellow.

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