Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Kaelakee "Sandra" / "Sandra" Kaelakee

Selle kee keskosas asuv pross on ostetud Tasmaaniast kirbuturult. Alustasin selle tegemist suvel Tartu hansapäevadel. Kuna pross ise on üsna särav ja klaaspärlid teevad kogu koosluse veel rikkalikumaks, siis on see kaelakee kokkuvõttes üsna edev. Selliste erilisemate ehete puhul on eriti hea meel, kui need õigetele inimestele lähevad, mis juhtus ka selle keega.

The vintage brooch, that you can see in the center of the piece, is from a flea market I visited in Tasmania. I started to create the necklace in summer, at Tartu hansapäevad festival. As the brooch is very shiny on its own and the glass pearls follow the way, the whole piece is rich and vain. In case of such special jewelry, it always makes me satisfied, when the buyer matches with the piece, as it went with this beauty!