Thursday, September 24, 2009

Etniline / Ethnic

Kui ma neid kevadisi kaelakeedis tegin, hakkas see ripatsimotiiv mu õele meeldima ja nii ta telliski minult sellise ripatsi. Helmeid sättis ja sobitas ta kuskil kolm tundi. :) Milline kannatlikkus. Et kõiki traadikeerde ja värve välja tuua, oksüdeerisin ja poleerisin ripatsi. Lõpus on üks pilt ka veel oksüdeerimata ehtest. Kahjuks läks keskel olev roheline käsitsitehtud klaashelmes kandes katki, aga sellel oli seal enne ka väike praokene sees. Muide mu õde ise valis selle kui me Amsterdamis helmepoe leidsime.

When I made these spring necklaces, my sister started to like that pendant motif and se requested a similar piece for herself. She chose the beads for about three hours. I would have ran out of patience! :)To show off all the coils and colours I oxidized the pendant and then polished it. At the bottom of the post you can see a picture of the pendant when it was unoxidized. Unfortunately the green bead in the middle broke into two pieces while my sister was wearing it, but actually it had a little chap in it before. The handmade bead was chosen by my sister when we were in a beadstore in Amsterdam.


MARRE said...

on jah etnilise hõnguga. ja no ma ikka ei jõua ära imetleda su oskust selliseid värve kokku kombineerida! nii äge :)

Anna- Helena Saarso said...

Aitäh, tegelt mu õde ise pani värvid kokku, aga eks geenid ole samad ju :)

Ethnic Jewelry said...

I can strongly recommend Ethnic Jewelry and Adornment. The photographs of the pieces are magnificent.