Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mix 'n' Match

Vahel ei jaksa ja ei taha peenikest traati keerutada ja pisikesi helmeid üksteise järel kinnitada. Vahel tuleb tuju lihtsalt helmeid sõrmede vahel veeretada. Nii tekivadki sellised ketid: ripatsiks erinevad helmed ( nööbid klaasist ja metallist, luu, hõbe, klaas, keraamika) rippumas hõbedasel palliketil, mida ma jumaldan. Erineva pikkusega kette saab omavahel koos kanda, miksida.

Sometime's I'm tired on wrapping thin wire and tiny beads on it. Sometimes I'm in the mood for just rolling beads between my fingers. Thet's how such chains are created: different beads ase pendants ( buttond made of metal and glass, bone, silver, glass, ceramics) hanging on a silver- toned ballchain that I adore. You can mix 'n' match these chains, they have different lenghts.


Katrin mdmB said...

Oo, pallikett on jubearmas asi! Fännan seda ise ka :)
Armsad keed.

Anna- Helena Saarso said...

Hehee, aitäh! Eriti armas on, kui pallikesed on hästi tillukesed!

Anonymous said...

Keed on kõik hästi nunnud ja mul on hea meel, et kett nüüd lõpuks kasutuses on. :)

Anna- Helena Saarso said...

Jaa, loodetavasti ei saa see kett nii pea otsa. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi I absolutely adore your blog. I make jewelry too and I realllly like your pieces. It's nice to find another jewelry maker here on Blogger. I'm going to follow your blog.

Check out my blog at

Anonymous said...

selline küsimus,et kust sa kõiki oma helmeid ja kette ja värke ostad?
muidu on su blogi supersupersuper!!

Anna- Helena Saarso said...

Hi! Thank you very much, it's great to have follower abroad too! I checked your blog and it was really nice!

Aitäh, materjale ostan internetist: helmehaldjas, helmeke jt, ka sayilast ja mujalt välismaalt olen tellinud. Samas on mu varudes ka materjale, mis välismaistelt reisidelt toodud.

Unknown said...

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